Beautiful designer bags are mainly made of genuine leather. This material is perfect for their style and conditions. However, not everyone can purchase a branded leather bag or the moral principles of animal protection do not allow you to buy such a thing. Many people have to look for a cheaper and more practical alternative.
Eco leather is a modern analog of natural leather composition. It is produced by applying a special polymer to a dense fabric. Once solidified, the film looks exactly like skin. Do not immediately negative attitude to the idea of purchasing artificial handbags. Sometimes they are even more practical than a natural leather goods.
We have prepared a list of such handbags at Aliexpress that are suitable for all occasions, but first let's look at their pros and cons.
The main advantage is primarily in the price. At the same time, low cost does not mean cheap appearance of the good. Moreover, some designers are against using animal skin for decorative purposes. That’s why they develop collections based on synthetic materials, including eco-leather.
Another advantage is a simple operation. The material does not stretch, does not crack, and does not have a specific smell. If natural leather is poorly processed, it is significantly inferior to eco-material in these indicators. In compliance with the natural counterpart, artificial leather is not susceptible to high temperatures.
The alternative material has also some disadvantages. If they were not, it would be valued more than natural. The main disadvantage is a weak resistance to mechanical influences. Moreover, if you still manage to cut through natural durable leather, it will look just like a single-layer material with a slot. As for the substitute, it opens an ugly mesh fabric when it is cut.
Due to the less robust structure, there is not such a wide variety of locks and rivets available. Usually artificial material does not hold magnetic locks for a long time, that’s why it cannot be guaranteed the durability of heavy rotary or snap locks.
Eco Bags With a Coating of Polyurethane
This polymer can look like a real skin. It would be difficult to find the difference. It is famous for its breathable texture, which makes it very popular not only for use in the accessories industry, but also in the fashion industry in general. It is also hypoallergenic. It should be marked as P/U.
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Thus, we can say that eco-leather has both significant advantages and significant disadvantages. What will be more important? So, you should make a decision for yourself.