Nice women handbag at Aliexpress review

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Just recently this woman's handbag had a great demand on Aliexpress. Clutches, backpacks and wallets have been made with the presented design. However it haven't reached a bit to become an Ali hit or bestseller. Though I'm glad it hadn't. I enjoyed this design and I didn't want to see each second girl with such a thing that I had. I like to be unique. So shall we start or review.

Флет лей женская сумочка

Жеснкая сумка с алиэкспресс


The quality is on top. From afar the external design looks like leather thus it is not. The material is quite dense and enough tough. With it the bag holds its form perfectly. The main material is polyurethane. I'd decided to find out more about it, and have discovered that it is the one that is used in production of many designers' bags.

The reasons are in its physical characteristics and long operation lifetime. Almost ideally clear stitches with only few less than 1 mm gaps in several points. There is no one protruding thread on the surface despite it has uncountable number of stitches. Here are the photos to prove it. Small metal triangles are sewed uniformly one to another and form a perfect triangle. Unfortunately there are micro scratches on the chrome surface. They cannot be seen by the naked eye, thus the eyepiece of the camera detects them clearly.

However I'm sure that it's not a problem. The furniture seems to look enough tough. I think these carbine hooks can deal with up to 10 kilos. The locks operate well and the main zip slide a little bit tight because of the model design. It prevents smooth sliding of the locker thus it operates enough well.

Мягкий помпончик на женской сумочке

Треугольники на сумке с алиэкспресс

Необычные ручки на женской сумке

External look and size

The bag is trapezoidal in shape with the hangs of unusual form. At least I've not seen such a form before. That is why I think they look quite original. It's a bit inconvenient because as the time passes the hang will change it shape due to the bend girth as well as because of the hanged weight. It also spoils a little the bag's design. Despite this fact I really like the bag a lot and I so my feelings haven't noticed any shortcomings. The shoulder string is also available for this bag. If you put it only on the shoulder than there won't be any deformation of the hangs. The bottom is very tough. It has small metal pillars that won't allow the material to rub the floor or another surface and to get dirty. The size from the description is the same as I've measured:

  • Bottom – 30 cm
  • Top – 28 cm
  • Total height – 23 cm
  • The bottom width – 9 cm





Internal part

The bag has one capacious section with no divisions. Inside the bag there are three small pockets. One is on the right side with the sewed zip and two others on the left side with no lockers. First of them is a little larger than the second. Probably it is designed for smartphone.

I was perfectly fit for my mobile. It has also enough space for both packs of hygienic and paper tissues, 5,5 inches smartphone, 100 ml. perfumes, hand cream and other cosmetic things. I've put it all inside and there are still enough place in the bag. I think at least one thick volume could be placed there as well.

Вместительность сумки с алиэкспресс


Price and delivery

I've bought this bag with a discount. I had this saves thanks to the special Aliexpress 7-th anniversary discount coupons. The bag price was $22.88 then and I paid $18.50 as I had a $5 from $25 coupon or something like that. However I had to order two items to have the possibility of using the discount and so it was divided for both items. The main part went to the bag. As a result I saved $4.38. The delivery sent by the Netherland post service was quite operative. I took the back on the 18 day from the time of ordering. The seller sent my pack right in time.

And I've also received a nice present. Despite the fact that on the sellers' photos there is such an integral part as a key fob, some stores can send the bag without it. So I consider my one as a present.

Милый серый помпончик


Making the conclusion of this review I can say just that: I Recommend!

See another my blue handbag review.

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