How to open Aliexpress all categories and full catalog of products

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I have noticed recently that people often wonder how to open the official catalog on Aliexpress. I was surprised by this question, because I didn't quite understand what do they mean. In my understanding, this is a total list of product categories. On the other hand, it can also mean all the products in a particular section. In any case, I will answer both of these questions.

How to Open All Categories on Aliexpress

It is not surprising that people search for the entire list of categories, because their number is extremely reduced on the main page. A lot of important sections are simply missing. This is confusing, as Aliexpress positions itself as a store that it has almost everything.

The easiest way

Follow this link:

The first method

Click on the “Categories” on the top of main left menu.


The second method

Click on “All categories” in the breadcrumbs on the Category page.


The third method

The method works on all pages except the "Home" one. You need to move the cursor to an empty search field, and press "Enter". If something is written there, then the field will work as a search engine, and if it is empty, then you will be transferred to "All categories" page.


In all cases above, you will see this page.


So, you can find everything you need, even such products, which is difficult to find in the stripped-down version. For example, you can find the section "Novelty & Special Use" which has such sub-categories as "Traditional & Cultural Wear" or "Exotic Apparel".


How to Open the Entire List of Products in One Category

This is also not difficult to do and there are several ways to get the necessary result.

The first method

Open all categories. Select any of them to see all the products that are available there, without any filtering.

For example, I clicked on “Beauty and Health” and I was given this list of products. Pay attention: I didn't enter anything in the search, and I didn't select anything in the menu on the left.



The second method

If you clicked on the subcategories in the left menu and you were carried far away, you can see the breadcrumbs above the list of products. Click on any of the necessary items and you will enter into that category.


So, we have mentioned all the ways to get the list of categories. I will tell you how to change the language and currency in the browser and mobile versions of the site in our next article.

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kelly burd
kelly burd
kelly burd
thank you i sure could use
4 February 2024, 08:39

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