15 natural sweaters at Aliexpress: tips for choosing the perfect product

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The cold season is the reason to buy some stylish, warm sweaters that will protect you from the chilly wind. It is necessary to pay great attention to its choice and important nuances to create the perfect look.


If a woman does not want to throw the clothes away after a couple of months or eliminate pellets from its surface, it is recommended to look at the structure. Polyester and acrylic are not able to warm, even if the sweater is tightly knitted and made of thick thread. Synthetics do not remove air, which means that a woman will constantly sweat. As a result, she will always loose heat, and it would be a reason for a cold.

The best and warm sweaters are made of wool. But it's hot in excessively thick ones, and even more that the wool is prickly and often even T-shirts and thermal underwear do not save. In this case, it is better to turn to a mixed structure. For example, alpaca and merino wool. The products are soft, pleasant and moderately warm. Cashmere sweaters can also be a good option.


That is a very important nuance. The durability of the sweater depends on the seams. They must be strong. Protruding threads and not stitched areas are unacceptable in this case. They should be strict. If they go sideways, then such a product will never fit the figure as it should.

Binding and Density

In order to check the thread and its density, it needs to look at the product in the light. Excellent quality wool will never show through the light. All loops should be smooth, fit tightly and uniformly to each other. If at least one criterion does not pass the sweater, then it is better to refuse the deal. In this case, you will just through away your money. Moreover, such thing will look very unpresentable.


We are talking not about the color in general, but about еру quality of еру painting. The material should be the same, if it does not provide any color solutions or effects according to the manufacturer's idea. The paint should lie flat, without problem places, and with the same intensity.


A good thing keeps its form. If you stretch it in your hands and let it go, it must return to its initial form. This is the most obvious evidence of a good thing. It will not lose its form for a long time. We also need to check how it crumples. You need to tightly squeeze a part of the sweater into a fist and abruptly release it. The remaining creases are a sign that the clothes have poor quality.

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The high quality of a sweater is an investment in your look, comfort, and wardrobe. A good thing should not shed, crumple, and make the feel of discomfort. These tips will help you purchase the perfect and stylish product.

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